In celebration of Penguin's 80th Birthday, they have released eighty of their most popular titles into their new range of 'little black classics'. And they are all available at the bargain price of 80p each. Yes, you read that right - you can buy each book for 80p. Penguin was established in 1935 by, Sir Allen Lane and V. K. Krishna Menon, as a way to publish and sell quality books, inexpensively. Since then, the company has gone on to create the subsidiaries, Pelican and Puffin, which feature affordable non-fiction texts, and texts for children. I am a firm believer in that books should be cheap, well made, and easily accessible, which is one of the many reasons why I love Penguin. my childhood memories are full of me reading books and saying to my mum: 'look mummy, its one of those books with a penguin on!' They have had a great and memorable eighty years, heres to next eighty!
They have a great selection in the range, which I will list below, but first I want to show off the ones that I managed to get my hands on Yesterday afternoon.