I have been reading a lot of graphic novels recently, something that I have been meaning to do for a long time, but never got around to doing so. I wanted to start reading them when I was around fifteen, but never really found any that interested me - all I could find were the standard superhero, good versus evil bullshit, and at that point in my life, that is not what I was looking for. I love super heroes as much as the next person, but I wanted more substance, more passion, more life. Of course after browsing for about ten minutes, I gave up and returned to the Horror/Science Fiction/Fantasy sections, and never spoke of my failed attempt to branch out again.
It wasn't until a few years ago when I was reading up about the Cannes film festival that I had my interests in graphic novels peaked again. I came across the film 'Le Bleu est une Coleur Chaude' - Blue is the Warmest Colour, and discovered that it had been based on a French graphic novel. I was determined to read it, but as I do not know French, and I could not find a translated edition, I came to the conclusion that it just wasn't meant to be, and settled for watching the film - with subtitles. I fell in love with the film, I thought it was brilliant, and it made me want to read the graphic novel even more. And then, as I do most things, I forgot about it. I became fixed on something else, and Blue faded to the back of mind.
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It wasn't until a few years ago when I was reading up about the Cannes film festival that I had my interests in graphic novels peaked again. I came across the film 'Le Bleu est une Coleur Chaude' - Blue is the Warmest Colour, and discovered that it had been based on a French graphic novel. I was determined to read it, but as I do not know French, and I could not find a translated edition, I came to the conclusion that it just wasn't meant to be, and settled for watching the film - with subtitles. I fell in love with the film, I thought it was brilliant, and it made me want to read the graphic novel even more. And then, as I do most things, I forgot about it. I became fixed on something else, and Blue faded to the back of mind.