
Late last year I was approached by Pure Pet Food and was offered the opportunity to try a unique style of pet food. After doing some initial research I decided that I had nothing to lose and agreed to test it out on my little furbabies.
Pure Pet Food is entirely dehydrated or freeze-dried food (depending on the product you buy), that has been specifically designed for your cat or dog - each pack is filled with the nutrients that your pet needs on a daily basis. Not only that but they have had all of the nasty pathogens and chemicals removed which means your pet's food is good enough for you to eat too!  All of their food meets a strict no grain or gluten policy and are high in protein, giving your pet the healthy balanced diet they deserve. I wasn't joking when I said your pet's food is good enough for you to eat too - Pure Pet Food has been certified by both the animal and human food authority, as well as PETA!

The food comes in a well-presented box, along with a scoop and bag clip in order to keep the moisture out once the packet has been opened.  What I particularly like is that the instructions are printed on the outside of the box, saving on paper, and giving potential consumers all the knowledge they need before committing to actually buying the product.

So what did my fussy little so-and-so's think of Pure Pet Food?

Honestly... they hated it.

I first tried them on the Chicken. Mixing one scoop of what looks like an uncooked Chicken and Mushroom Pot Noodle to one scoop water and mixing as per instructed.

Harry, who will usually eat anything he can get his paws on, turned his nose up at it and walked away. I later found him munching on a cornflake he dug out from under the sofa. George took one whiff of it and spent the next hour walking around the house meowing until I cracked out the Felix.

I don't blame George for that, as it smells really weird.

Next up was the fish... I knew straight away that George would not eat it as it smelled even worse than the chicken.

Harry licked this one for a few seconds before looking at me with discontent, he soon left the kitchen in what I am dubbing 'Harry Catter and the search for more cornflakes'. George, as suspected, wouldn't go near it. He continued his protest until I gave him Felix.

I didn't want to give up, as I do believe that Pure Pet Food are on to a winner here, however, after a month of intermittent attempts, it was clear that if I didn't stop trying to feed them this weird smelling concoction, they would probably try and eat me in my sleep.

Since my cats weren't having any of it, I decided to make some for my homeless cat friend, Phillip. I thought he would eat it what with him being homeless and hungry... nope. He walked away with a deflated look on his face. I then figured that I would leave it out for the foxes that pass through my garden in the night and they didn't touch it either.

The Verdict?
Whilst I like the idea of the idea of this product, both Harry and George, Phillip, and the neighbourhood foxes do not. The food is avaliable in a range of sizes, so if you want to try your little furbabies on this, I would suggest trying the smallest size before committing to the huge 1KG box.

Have you tried Pure Pet Food?

PURE pet food for cats can be found online via their website, or at Pets at Home.

*This product was provided in return for a non-bias review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.  Please see my disclaimer for more details


  1. Oh, Kirstie, this review did make me laugh! Pot Noodle!!! Pure sent me some food for my cats to try and Spooky refused to touch it too. Jester was enthusiastic at first but then got bored after a few days (only the Chicken though, he wouldn't touch the Fish). Ginger was keen but as he's the fattest of our cats and on a special diet, I couldn't let him have it all the time anyway. Like you, I think the idea behind Pure is good but cats are cats, I think fresh mouse (and Felix!) will always win out. xx

    Lisa | www.lisasnotebook.com

    1. Haha - I think my cats are just too damn fussy. George hates change, and Harry is a little diva! I am surprised that my little homeless friend didn't eat it though!

  2. I love an honest review hahahaha! Oh dear, what a shame this didn't go down too well with your cats. Or the neighborhood cat. Or the foxes. I wonder what it was they didn't like? Shame they can't tell us! By the way, how haven't I noticed how gorgeous your blog banner is before?!


    1. Thank you! I keep forgetting that I have it as my banner tbh, haha! I had it designed when I had my layout done for me last year!

  3. I'm laughing at how obviously unimpressed your cats are! I really wanted to like this because I think the health benefits of this kind of diet are sound but there might be some treaking to do if cats don't actually eat it...
    Imogen’s Typewriter. <3

    1. Yes! The health benefits are what initially intrigued me - the look Harry gave me when I gave it to him was 'seriously human?' haha!

      I think they may need to work on the texture/smell!


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