REVIEW || Through the Woods - Emily Carroll


Voted Graphic Novel of the Month by the Observer and on the New York Bestseller List for two weeks back in August 2014, Through the Woods is a compromised of five 'mysterious and chilling' stories, based on classic fairytales. Each story, combined with its remarkable illustrations, creates an eerie feeling, that can only be described as inspiring. Though some of the tales use a minimalistic approach to narrative, her syntax remains delightfully harrowing - but this could be due to her artistic abilities, and the way she has chosen to lay out each page; with most of the other graphic novels I have read emphasis has been drawn to the images, but Carroll has taken it a step further and has treated the words as if they are also images. No, not images. Art.

Carroll is beyond talented. Her ability to weave words and images is awe-inspiring. The dark colour scheme carried across all five stories invokes the regular feelings of horror and suspense that you would expect from a horror novel, but what makes this different?  I wouldn't go as far as other reviewers and call it terrifying, but I will say that it is creepy. A Ladies Hands are Cold, and The Nesting Place, stayed with me for hours after I initially read them. The graphics and text are somewhat haunting, and find themselves making a home in the creases of your brain, and breeding with the niggles of fear that lurk within your psyche.

Why should you read it?
If you are a fan of creepy graphic novels, then yes. Pick it up, give it a read (it's not very long) and let me know what you think, I'd love to get a discussion going!

If you need some more convincing, then have a sneak peek below!

*No Copyright infringement intended. All images taken from Google Images.

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