Two years!


Today marks my two year blog anniversary.  Two years since I sat down, and decided that I wanted to write to the world, to you guys. It hasn't always been easy - at first I didn't really have a direction, I just wrote about what I thought I should write about: fashion, beauty, red carpets, but none of that was me. I was lost in the void of wanting to write, but not really having anything to write about.  Then one day, I decided to share my thoughts on a book, and I got so much joy out of sharing my opinions with the world that I started to do it a lot more, and now here we are, two years later!

I've gotten to know some fantastic people through blogging, and I want to thank each and every one of you, whether you follow me or not. The blogging community is a growing force, and even though it's pretty easy to get lost in the chats, you always end up making one new friend.

I hope that in the future I can get over my nerves/fear, kick anxiety in the ass, and actually come to a bloggers meet up so I can see your lovely faces in person, but until then you'll just have to put up with my random selfies on snapchat, instagram, and of course here, Kirstiekinsblogs!

Although I am Kirstiekins, this blog isn't mine anymore. It's ours. Everything I write is shared with you, and I am so happy that you all get to be a part of my share of the internet pizza.

Missed my first ever post? Well, haha you can read it HERE - be warned, it's a bit of a cringe fest!

As a cheeky bit of promo, you can help me celebrate me by following me on Bloglovin, as I would love to get to two hundred subscribers by the end of the year! ;)

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