Can Social Media Help You Write a Novel?


In a world full of distractions, it is easy to get a little sidetracked from our end goal. But can we use these distractions to help us reach our end goals that little bit quicker? Well there is only way to really find out!

I like to call myself a writer, and there are lots of tools out there that are aimed at helping writers: Scrivener, Storyist, #AmWriting, #AmEditing, Nanowrimo. However, I decided to take a bash as using unconventional methods and dived deeper into the world of social media, and found myself on Pinterest. Yes you read that right, Pinterest. 

Why do I use Pinterest to help me write?
A lecturer of mine at Uni told me how he created an Instagram account dedicated to his novel, where he would upload pictures of places or people that gave him inspiration. As his novel was set in London, he was able to go to these places and take photos of the areas where his characters worked, lived, and visited. But having multiple Instagram accounts to worry about is a thought I don't even want to consider thinking about. Logging in and out just to upload a photo. No thank you. So I turned to the next best thing: Pinterest. 

What do I use Pinterest for?
The three main board that I use are, Alice, Food, and Books, two of which I am hoping are a little self explanatory. (Food: Food I want to make/eat, Books: Books I have reviewed/want to read.) Alice is the folder where I am storing all of the images and weblinks that are helping me with the novel -the novel itself hasn't actually got a name yet, but as the main protagonist is named, Alice, I have been using that as a place holder.  Feel free to have a look through my boards, maybe I have something saved that tickles your pickle. 

With Pinterest, I can search for pictures other users have pinned and save them to my own boards, as well as pin pictures and useful URL's from the internet. And the best thing is that I can organise them into one folder that is related to my novel, and keep them away from other things in other folders. It's quite nifty really. 

What is on my Alice board?
 It looks pretty boring from here, what with just trees and artsy looking hanging things, but everything on this board connects with something in my brain, and is helping me write the novel. I have always been a visual person, so actually seeing something is great for description, setting the scene, and even for when you need to know what something REALLY looks like. 

I have a lot of trees, and pictured of forests/woods, and flowers, as for the most part they will be the main source of imagery, however you will notice that I have opted to 'pin' unconventional images, or collections of images that don't really fit - this is all for effect, and it will all make sense, when i eventually let any of you guys read it. 

I have also included various images of people, as it is easier to write about your characters when you can see them. I scoured the internet for hours finding images of people that best fit what I had envisioned in my head, which paid off as I now have a small collection of images loosely look like the people inside my head. 

Why not something else?
I suppose I could have just created a tumblr blog, as a separate entity to the one I already use (which I will not be telling you the URL for, but you are more than welcome to try and find) but if that were the case, I would need to have at least eleven other blogs to store things that I might find useful at one time or another. P L U S Tumblr is kind of the little sanctuary for those that are not willing to leave their emo phase in noughties. It's 2015 and we're all still emo. Get over it !!!!1111! 

Handy tips!
  • If this is not how you usually write and are thinking that I am a total door knob, then you probably shouldn't try using Pinterest to help you write. 
  • Everyone is different, and especially for writers, with us being delicate little flowers of destruction, it is important that we recognise that. 
  • This is what works for me - or what is working for me at the moment. Everything is organised, and I can scroll through for inspiration whenever I want. 
  • SHARE. If you are using something that other writers could benefit from, then share it. We all like to try new things sometimes.
  • Trying new things you say? Well if you haven't tried Pinterest to help you write, heres your chance!

Do you have Pinterest? I'd love to follow you! Leave your username in the comments below :) 

You can find me on Pinterest right HERE!

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