#BloggersFavouriteBooks (part 2)


Last week had the wonderful, Becky, from BeckyBedbug telling us all about her favourite books. She was an absolute delight, and I can't help but want to hunt her down and hug her, due to her taste in literature!  This week, I am welcoming the adorable Somdyuti, and asking her those awful questions, that everyone hates to be asked!  

SRSLY. How adorable!? :D 
Who are you/what is your URL? (Tell the world who you are! A little self-promo never hurt anyone.)
 Hi! I’m Somdyuti Datta Ray from Kolkata, India. I’m 19. I’m doing my Bachelor’s degree in Communicative English and I’ll be graduating next Spring.

I blog at onetinywish.blogspot.in about books, travel and other random things about my life.

Do you have any weird/strange reading habits?
I have an urge to read 10x more right before my exams. All I want to do is read books than actually prep for my exams LOL.

Favourite genres?
Fantasy.  Also, Dystopian. I might have an obsession with Fantasy books. But I enjoy anything YA actually. I can imagine myself still reading YA when I’m 80 years old maybe haha!

What was the last book you read, and would you recommend it?
Last book I read was Legend by Marie Lu. It is the first book in the Legend trilogy. It’s a YA dystopian set in Los Angeles, 2130 A.D. Its kind of a suspense thriller.

I heard such great things about the trilogy, so of course I had to pick it up. And ohmygosh it’s amazing. It’s really intense and fast-paced and badass. I’m reading the second book right now, Prodigy. I definitely recommend it.

List your three favourite books, of ALL time:
1. Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling
2. Percy Jackson & the Olympians (series) + Heroes of Olympus (series) by Rick Riordan
3. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

It’s so hard to pick any 3 picks but I think if I’m abandoned in an island, then these are definitely the books you’ll find me reading.

Thinking of the first book you mentioned, why is it your favourite?
I can possibly list about a million reasons why Harry Potter is my favourite but I’m gonna keep it short now. Well, I grew up reading Harry Potter. I was maybe 8 or 9 when I first started reading it. So in a way I could relate to the characters a lot, being almost same age and all. But mostly because, Harry Potter is basically my childhood. I grew up obsessing and fantasising about the characters and the stories. It’s life! And it helped me get through middle school seeing that I was often bullied. I honestly can’t imagine being the person I am today if not for Harry Potter. It taught me so much about life and being myself and valuing friendship and you know, fighting for things we love. Harry Potter is a way of life.

What would you say to anyone that was thinking of reading it?
I try not to judge people who haven’t read Harry Potter yet haha (seriously, though, what are you doing?). But I believe, Harry Potter is something everyone should read at least once in their life. It’s so beautiful and fascinating and just magical.

If you could be any character, from any novel, who would it be, and why?
Hmmmph…. *thinks hard* I would really love to be Celaena Sardothien from the Throne of Glass (series) by Sarah J. Maas. This series is undoubtedly on my list of Top 3 Fantasy books EVER. And Celaena is such a badass character. She’s an assassin and a few more things which I won’t say because they’re spoilers. But anyway, I absolutely love her character.

She’s confident, fearless, brave but also sassy. She knows what she wants and she’s so sure of herself (most of the time). She’s not afraid to fight for the people she loves. She’s amazing. I love her! I want to be her, including the assassin part.

Who is your least favourite character from any novel, and why?
I’ve come across a lot of nasty characters but I think Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter (series) is the meanest of all. She’s so unbelievably annoying and evil, like all the way to her core. God, I hate that woman!

What is your least favourite novel, and why?
I recently read Girl Online by Zoe Sugg a.k.a Zoella and ohmygod that book annoyed the daylight out of me. It’s so cliché and unoriginal and the writing style is absolutely sloppy. The characters are too monotonous and overdone. I’m forever losing my cool because of that book. I wrote a review of that book on my blog where I ranted in details. You can read it here.

If you could change the ending of any novel, what would it be? And what would you have happen instead?
There’s one book I can think of actually – Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus #5) by Rick Riordan. I absolutely love Percy Jackson but the ending of Blood of Olympus and most importantly the whole series was very disappointing. It made me so mad because this is coming from Rick Riordan, and I love his books.

If I were to change the ending – not gonna give away any spoilers – I’d add some more action-y stuff in the final battle. Like write it in more details and put Percy, Annabeth, Hazel and Frank in the spotlight. They were completely overshadowed in the last few chapters (what the heck!). So I’ll include them in the battle scenes being all badass. And I’ll make the deaths more interesting.

And finally, the real juicy gossip that everyone wants to know: Snog, Marry, Avoid!

1. Edgar Allen Poe, Sylvia Plath, J.K Rowling? 

Marry – J.K. Rowling
Avoid – Edgar Allen Poe and Sylvia Path (no snogging!)

2. Cthulhu, Gandalf, Doctor Frankenstein?

Marry – Gandalf
Avoid – Cthulhu and Doctor Frankenstein (seriously? Bad combo, again!)

3. Douglas Adams, Stephen King, Ali Smith? 

Marry – Stephen King

Avoid – Douglas Adams and Ali Smith (too old for snogging!)

And there we have it! Thank you Somdyuti for sharing your opinions, it's been great getting to know you, and about your favourite books! If you have any questions, you can find her on twitter, and over on her blog, http://onetinywish.blogspot.in/

I'm so glad that I found someone else who doesn't like, Girl Online. I'm still confused as to why they want tp publish a second one!

If you would like to take part in a future #Bloggersfavouritebook post, send me an email at Kirstiekinsblogs@gmail.com!

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