BOOK REVIEW || The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins


Every morning Rachel watches Jason and Jess eat breakfast in their garden from the comfort of her commuter train as it stops just outside the suburban town of Witney. However, one morning Rachel sees something she wishes she hadn't and suddenly Jess becomes Megan, and Megan is missing.

Much like everyone else, I discovered this 'gripping' novel during the hype surrounding the imminent release of the much-anticipated movie adaptation, starring award-winning actress, Emily Blunt.

I had high hopes for the novel; it was recommended to be by a number of people, and the movie trailer seemed promising so I figured I would give it a go.  As someone, that doesn't usually read a lot of crime-thrillers, my expectations were not that high so I can't say that I was too disappointed. It was very slow going, and parts of it felt like they had been drawn out, but that being said, I did enjoy reading it. The plot had been well thought out, and the construction held it all together only revealing small parts of information to the reader a the right time.

I was only slightly disappointed that my predictions were wrong, as I honestly thought that predictions would have made for a better twist. I won't mention what I hoped it would be, though, as I don't want to ruin it for anyone.

Should you read it? 
Sure, it's not a bad novel. I think it was the perfect book to get me into a genre I have never really read before. If you liked Find Her - Lisa Gardner, or Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn, then you should give it a go.

I can't end this review without commending Hawkins for creating an intriguing storyline, and equally intriguing characters. I would gladly read another crime thriller written by Hawkins, and I am definitely open to reading more thrillers in general (leave me recommendations below)

What did you think of the book? Have you seen the film yet?

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